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Riverside Alumni Chapter Assists with the 2019 Fair Housing Council Turkey Basket Giveaway

Updated: Jan 23, 2020

On November 26, 2019 the RIverside Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Phi Fraternity, Inc. partnered with the Riverside County Fair Housing Council and other partners, to provide Turkeys and other food and clothing items during their annual Turkey Basket Giveaway. Many local area residence in need arrived at White Park, in downtown Riverside, too received these generously donated items along with a dose of good cheer.

The Riverside Alumni Chapter has happily partnered with the Fair Housing Council for many years partaking in this worthy cause. The Fraternity's Kappa Leaguers assisted in the giveaway by unloading all the turkeys, manning the tables and handing out turkeys and other food items. They also assisted individuals with heavy items and helped with the clean up.



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